Full Stack Data Science

We use the best practice CRISP-DM method for investigating hard problems and solving them with data. Our mastery of R and Python means we can dig in and tackle data analytics and data engineering problems quickly with very little barrier to entry.

Full Stack Data Science

CRISP-DM, which stands for Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining, is a widely accepted methodology for approaching data-driven projects. It provides a structured framework that guides data professionals through the various stages of a data mining or data analytics project. These stages typically include:

Business Understanding: In this initial stage, the team works closely with stakeholders to gain a comprehensive understanding of the business objectives, requirements, and constraints. This step ensures that the subsequent analysis aligns with the organization’s goals.

Data Understanding: Here, the team collects and explores the available data to gain insights into its quality, completeness, and relevance. This stage involves data profiling, statistical summaries, and exploratory data analysis to develop an understanding of the data’s characteristics and potential biases.

Data Preparation: In this phase, data engineers and analysts clean, transform, and integrate the data to create a suitable dataset for analysis. It may involve tasks such as data cleaning, feature engineering, data integration, and selection.

Modeling: The modeling stage encompasses the selection and application of appropriate data mining techniques to build predictive or descriptive models. The team utilizes statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, or other analytical techniques to extract patterns, uncover relationships, or make predictions from the data.

Evaluation: In this step, the team assesses the quality and effectiveness of the models developed in the previous stage. They use various evaluation metrics and validation techniques to determine the model’s performance and its alignment with the business objectives.

Deployment: Once the models have been thoroughly evaluated, they are deployed into the operational environment or integrated into existing systems to derive value from the insights gained. This stage may involve developing dashboards, reports, or implementing automated decision-making systems.

Monitoring: The final stage involves continuously monitoring the deployed models and their performance in the real-world environment. Ongoing monitoring helps identify any deviations, concept drift, or necessary updates to ensure the models remain accurate and reliable.

Regarding the proficiency in R and Python, both programming languages are extensively used in the data analytics and data engineering domains.

R is a popular language for statistical computing and graphics. It provides a vast array of packages and libraries specifically designed for data analysis, making it well-suited for tasks such as data manipulation, visualization, statistical modeling, and machine learning.

Python, on the other hand, is a versatile language that has gained significant traction in the data science community. It offers a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, such as NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn, which enable efficient data processing, analysis, and machine learning tasks. Python’s versatility also extends to data engineering tasks, where it can be used for data ingestion, data transformation, and building data pipelines.

The combination of the CRISP-DM approach with powerful analytic tools, such as Python and R, enables the Daybreak team to understand business needs and generate meaningful solutions. Our full stack data science abilities are crucial to our success.